
What you are allowed (not) to do

This Book

This book and the code found on this GitHub repository are licensed under the BSD 2-clause license. It allows you to...

  • ...use, modify, and redistribute these resources free of charge, as long as you...

  • ...include the license text found in


GLFW is licensed under the zlib/libpng license. It allows you to...

  • ...use, modify, and redistribute its source code free of charge, as long as you...

  • ...don't misrepresent the origin of the software, ...

  • ...have plainly marked altered source code version, and...

  • ...include the license text found here.


STB is in the public domain. You can do whatever you want with it, as stated here.

LWJGL (Java)

LWJGL is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license. It allows you to...

  • ...use, modify, and redistribute its source code free of charge, as long as you...

  • ...include the license text found here.

Last updated